Avanade: 60% of businesses are not ready for generative AI

As business concerns arise due to rapid AI growth, Avanade offers new services to help clients better prepare and address responsible usage and governance

A survey of 225 executives across leading brands has revealed that 65% believe that generative AI will have a high impact on their organisation, however as much as 60% are more than a year away from implementing any type of AI software.

As a result, Avanade, the leading Microsoft solutions provider, has announced new services to help clients ready their people, processes, and technologies for AI. Avanade’s new services are hoping to enable leaders to assess and monitor multiple business and IT domains to prioritise actions so they can responsibly harness the benefits of the technology.

85% of organisations expect revenue growth by 2025 due to AI

There are concerns that technology is evolving too quickly for businesses to keep up with, as AI continues to dominate workplaces. The survey highlights that two-thirds of organisations are not ready for AI, but anticipate that it will bring up to 16% growth in global annual revenue, subsequently revolutionising multiple industries.

In response to this and Trendlines research revealing that 48% of business and IT leaders have no specific guidelines or policies for responsible AI usage, Avanade has launched two new AI services: The Avanade AI Organisational Readiness Framework, and The AI Governance Quick Start service.

The Avanade AI Organisational Readiness Framework aims to provide executive coaching, employee training, and cloud-based tools to enable businesses to leverage AI’s benefits. It hopes to offer detailed insights into AI readiness with an innovative "AI control tower" with cloud-based tools, dashboards, and knowledge resources. The goal is to empower leaders to monitor and take real-time actions.

Similarly, The AI Governance Quick Start Service will ensure businesses can use AI ethically, providing a framework to enhance governance processes and manage AI project risks. Organisations would be able to proactively assess risks in AI projects and enhance existing business to manage and reduce AI risks across all functions.

As regulation debates rage on across the world, leaving businesses stumbling over how to use the technology correctly. Avanade’s services are aiming to better help organisations responsibly work and continue to innovate with AI.

Businesses must follow the curve of digital growth

As generative AI technology continues to transform the way we work, live and conduct business in every part of the world and in every industry, expectations are growing exponentially. It has very quickly become critical for businesses to conduct themselves.

However, the research does highlight how only 36% of business and IT leaders are completely confident that their organisation currently has sufficient measures in place to mitigate potential risks and harms of AI. Meanwhile, nearly half (48%) admit to not having specific guidelines or policies in place.

Avanade’s Trendlines research has revealed that 85% of organisations expect AI to increase revenue growth by 2025, seriously indicating the benefits for companies that seize these opportunities. According to them, it is well worth the investment.

Jillian Moore, Global Head of Advisory at Avanade said, “There is no end point to AI readiness. As generative AI continues to reshape the global business landscape, the importance of adopting an AI-first mindset cannot be overstated. 

“To seize the growth opportunities of AI and mitigate risks for unintended consequences through continual change, leaders need to consider more than the technology implications of AI. Ultimately, AI-first is people-first.”


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