Overseeing safe and responsible AI in 2024 with Dynatrace

Bernd Greifeneder, Founder & CTO of Dynatrace, offers AI insights for next year about how businesses can prepare for the positives, as well as the risks

This year has seen huge developmental changes in AI for businesses. 

With recent reports finding that nearly three-quarters of businesses are planning to use generative AI in 2024, these new technologies are expected to act as more of a ‘copilot’ for businesses seeking to digitally transform. Indeed, business software-based revenues are expected to quadruple by 2030.

With this in mind, Bernd Greifeneder, founder and CTO of Dynatrace, offers some insight into what the AI landscape could look like in 2024. He surmises that, as AI innovation develops, businesses will need to balance reaping the benefits with mitigating risk.

AI-generated code will create a need for digital immune systems

Dynatrace has predicted that in 2024, more organisations will experience major digital service outages due to poor quality and insufficiently supervised software code.

“Developers will increasingly use generative AI-powered autonomous agents to write code for them, exposing their organisations to increased risks of unexpected problems that affect customer and user experiences,” Greifeneder says. “This is because the challenge of maintaining autonomous agent-generated code is similar to preserving code created by developers who have left an organisation.”

He continues: “None of the remaining team members fully understand the code. Therefore, no one can quickly resolve problems in the code when they arise. Also, those who attempt to use generative AI to review and resolve issues in the code created by autonomous agents will find themselves with a recursive problem, as they will still lack the fundamental knowledge and understanding needed to manage it effectively.

“These challenges will drive organisations to develop digital immune systems, combining practices and technologies for software design, development, operations, and analytics to protect their software from the inside by ensuring code resilience by default. 

“To enable this, organisations will harness predictive AI to automatically forecast problems in code or applications before they emerge and trigger an instant, automated response to safeguard user experience. For example, development teams can design applications with self-healing capabilities. These capabilities enable automatic roll-back to the latest stable version of the codebase if a new release introduces errors, or automated provisioning of additional cloud resources to support an increase in demand for compute power.”

In an evolving digital landscape and rapidly increasing era of cybersecurity threats, businesses face a wide range of challenges. These include protecting sensitive data and safeguarding against cyberattacks. As AI continues to become more integrated into business operations, risk training for employees will be even more important in 2024.

The need for a Chief AI Officer?

Greifeneder states that organisations would benefit from appointing a Chief AI Officer (CAIO) to oversee the safe and responsible development and deployment of AI. He highlights how senior executives will continually be appointed to ensure that enterprises are as ready for AI as they possibly can be.

Huge technology companies are paving the way for businesses in this sense, with Dell Technologies naming their first Chief AI Officer earlier in 2023. Jeff Boudreau, who started his journey with Dell more than 25 years ago, is now responsible for the company’s strategy as the company positions itself to establish the groundwork for generative AI initiatives.

“As employees become more accustomed to using AI in their personal lives, through exposure to tools such as ChatGPT, they will increasingly look to use AI to boost their productivity at work,” says Greifeneder. “Organisations have already realised that if they don’t empower their employees to use AI tools officially, they will do so without consent. 

“Organisations will, therefore, appoint a CAIO to oversee their use of these technologies in the same way many have a security executive, or CISO, on their leadership teams. The CAIO will centre on developing policies and educating and empowering the workforce to use AI safely to protect the organisation from accidental noncompliance, intellectual property leakage, or security threats. 

“These practices will pave the way for widespread adoption of AI across organisations. As this trend progresses, AI will become a commodity, as the mobile phone has.”

Additionally, Dynatrace surmised that the business world could embrace composite AI as a preferred approach to data-backed insights and automation.

“In 2024, generative AI enters the later stages of its hype cycle, and organisations will realise the technology, while transformational, cannot deliver meaningful value by itself,” says Greifeneder.

“As a result, they will move toward a composite AI approach that combines generative AI with other types of AI and additional data sources. This approach will enable more advanced reasoning and bring precision, context, and meaning to the outputs produced by generative AI. For example, DevOps teams will combine generative AI with fact-based causal and predictive AI to supercharge digital innovation by predicting and preventing issues before they occur and generating new workflows to automate the software delivery lifecycle.”


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